How to reach Emil Reuter's grave...
Map to Emil Reuter's grave

To reach the grave of Emil Reuter, travel west from Sundance, WY on US 14. You will turn right on Route 838. Follow this road into the Black Hills National Forest. The road ascends steeply. You should pass Reuter Campground (left side). A good map of the area can be found at the campground registration area. Continue on paved FDR 838 for another mile or so. The road ascends to the ridgetop. You should see small gravel roads intersecting with FDR 838. You will pass one on the right and one on the left before coming to FDR 839. It is marked as of this writing by a red sign on a pine tree. You have to go very slow to see it. Turn right on FDR 839 and proceed downhill into the canyon. The grave is about 1/2 mile down the road on the right side. It should be easy to spot because the Forest Service has erected a wooden fence around the grave site. If you want to see the mine entrance, continue downhill on FDR 839. It's on the left side. The road ends at a parking lot which is designated as Ogden Creek Trailhead on the Forest Service map.